VHF-DSC Equipment & Operation:
VHF-DSC Equipment & Operation:
Frequency and Bandwidth:
What are the correct VHF Channels and Frequencies for Calling/Distress, DSC and bridge-to-bridge operations?
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What is the frequency separation between Transmit and Receive frequencies on a duplex channel?
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What is the allowed frequency tolerance for the DSC carrier frequencies?
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Using a frequency counter with an accuracy of 2 ppm — which of the following are within legal tolerance for the frequencies of 156.800 MHz and 156.525 MHz?
There is a typo in answer A with two periods occuring in the second frequency when one should be a comma.
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Using a frequency counter with an accuracy of 5 ppm — which of the following are within legal tolerance for the frequencies of 156.875 MHz and 157.200?
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