MF-HF-DSC-SITOR (NBDP) Equip. & Ops:
MF-HF-DSC-SITOR (NBDP) Equip. & Ops:
Frequencies and Bandwidth:
What is the assigned bandwidth and channel spacing for J3E voice transmissions?
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What is the assigned bandwidth and channel spacing for J2B SITOR (NBDP) transmissions?
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What is the allowable frequency tolerance for GMDSS MF-HF transmitters?
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Using a frequency counter with an accuracy of 2 ppm which of the following are within legal tolerance for the frequencies of 2182.0 kHz and 4125.0 kHz? The counter has a display resolution of 1 Hz.
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Which of the following are assigned frequencies for Digital Selective Calling?
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What are the assigned frequencies for VOICE and SITOR (NBDP) follow on communications?
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